Welcome to the Golden Glitch, the gateway for those eager to explore the identity of Mediterranean Design and leave a lasting impact on the region.

At the heart of our platform lies a powerful mission – to define a new golden mean, a new standard of beauty that’s relevant to our age and captures the true essence of the Mediterranean Basin and celebrates the diversity of contemporary Mediterranean design.

La Dolce Vita,

by focusing on our times.

Our Story

The Golden Glitch was born out of I+A, a design studio established in Malta in 2018 by a group of artists, architects, and technologists. Our studio is dedicated to evolving the culture of making towards a holistically sustainable approach through digital means, embracing the true essence of present-day craft. We wanted to create a platform that would elevate the contemporary Mediterranean design scene and connect like-minded individuals, studios, designers, students, academics, and aesthetically-driven groups. We kicked off in 2022 and have since expanded to knowledge-based events and collaborations with key stakeholders.

Our Value Proposition

The Golden Glitch offers a curated design perspective that showcases the Mediterranean’s diverse design identity, unveiling exciting new possibilities that redefine what it means to be a designer today. We offer a range of interactive activities, from design talks to design expos, providing a platform for collaboration, idea-sharing, and exploration of new techniques.

Why the Mediterranean?

Contemporary Mediterranean design, processes, and materials deserve more recognition with the aim to elevate the design industry and accelerate adoption and innovation. Given the richness of Mediterranean cultures, combining the digital and the Mediterranean will conceive a revised notion of ‘La Dolce Vita’, by focusing on our times. There already exist many Mediterranean designers that are bringing forward an aesthetic that reflects our times. What the Golden Glitch will provide is a platform of various formats that promotes the designers and makers, their stories, and the contemporary Mediterranean, whilst at the same time connecting designers, makers, patrons, and stylish individuals.